Date : 2024-01-18

Author : V Chong-Morrison

Adapted from protocol by A Faro based on the following publication:

Turner, K.J., Bracewell, T.G., Hawkins, T.A. (2014). Anatomical Dissection of Zebrafish Brain Development. In: Sprecher, S. (eds) Brain Development. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1082. Humana Press, Totowa, NJ.

Whole-mount zebrafish immunohistochemistry


This protocol has been tested with the following antibodies (antibody, supplier (may be more than one), clone ID (if known)):

I generally use primary antibodies at 1:200, and secondary Alexa Fluor antibodies at 1:400.





Rinse and dehydration

  1. Rinse 2x in PBST.
  2. Wash 3x 10 mins PBST on side on shaker.
  3. Dehydrate into MeOH:
  4. Store at -20C in 100% MeOH at least overnight up to 6 months.

NOTE Rinsing and dehydrating with plain PBS works too.

Day 1


  1. 1x 5 mins 50% MeOH/50% PBST
  2. 3x 5 mins PBST

Permeabilisation with Proteinase K in PBST

  1. Varies with embryo age. Perform at RT with tube lying on the side on a nutator:
  2. Rinse 3x in PBST.


  1. 4% PFA for 20 mins at RT.
  2. Wash 3x 5 mins PBST.


  1. Make blocking solution fresh each time:
  2. Incubate 1 hour at RT on nutator.

Primary antibodies

  1. Incubate in blocking solution at least overnight at 4C on nutator.

Day 2


  1. Remove primary antibody (can be kept at 4C for reuse within a week).
  2. Rinse 3x in PBST.
  3. Wash 6x 30 mins in PBST on nutator.

NOTE If you incubate primary antibody over several days then wash more.

Secondary antibodies - keep dark

  1. Centrifuge secondaries at 500g for 5 mins to pull down precipitates. Use supernatant for staining.
  2. Incubate in PBST + secondary antibodies overnight at 4C or 3-4 hours at RT on nutator.

Day 3

Washes and storage/imaging - keep dark

  1. Rinse 3x in PBST.
  2. Wash 6x 30 mins on nutator.
  3. If desired, perform a long over-weekend wash at 4C.

Storage - keep dark

  1. Rinse PBST with PBS.
  2. Transfer to 50% glycerol/PBS.
  3. Mount in 1% LMP agarose, immerse (if required) with PBS.
  4. Image as soon as possible, samples keep alright for about a week or so.